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7 Technology Trends in STEM Education

We live in a technology-driven world, and the education system is rapidly evolving to keep pace with the latest trends. Innovative learning experiences using new tools and techniques can keep students engaged while honing their skills, particularly in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) subjects.  

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, growth in employment in STEM occupations is expected to be about 10.8% from 2022 to 2032, compared to 2.3% for non-STEM occupations. This data clearly shows the value of students engaging with STEM subjects inside and outside of the classroom. Here are some cutting-edge technology trends that will likely shape STEM education in the near future.  

Learning Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

AI has emerged as a transformative force in education, radically changing how we teach and learn. One instance is the smart-tutoring systems that utilize machine learning and algorithms to offer personalized learning experiences for different age groups. Using data on student performance and behavior makes it easy to identify skill gaps and suggest effective and engaging solutions to remedy them. The expertise, passion and personal touch of educators will always be the driving force in successful education programs, but AI has the potential to allow them to do more with the same resources.  

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)  

Schools focusing on STEM education have sometimes lagged when it comes to making SEL a part of the curriculum. Now, there is increased awareness about the benefits of SEL skills such as empathy, communication, and self-realization. SEL helps students cultivate self-management skills that can, in turn, vastly enhance their problem-solving, teamwork, and critical-thinking abilities.  

A class sitting in a circle on a carpet having a discussion.

The Social Media Advantage 

Social media provides opportunities for students to connect with STEM professionals directly and keep up with science and engineering trends. Platforms like Reddit, for instance, offer opportunities for learners to ask questions to professionals whose qualifications have been vetted by the network. These media channels could also help enhance diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. Seeing and interacting with professionals of the same gender, race or religion can motivate under-represented students to follow in their footsteps.   

Screenless Technology Education  

For many educators and parents, their kids’ increasing engagement with digital devices and screen time is becoming worrisome. Data collated by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) shows that kids aged 8 to 12 watch or use screens for four to six hours a day. For teens, this can go up to nine hours a day. This is where screenless STEM education tools such as learning robots and unplugged coding activities come in.   

Three students measure a path for a Sphero indi.

Sustainability and Climate Change Education 

Global environmental challenges now have a significant impact on trends in education. As a result, sustainability and climate change are being incorporated into school curricula. As the emphasis in STEM subjects tends to be on hands-on, experiential learning, students can be encouraged to take up projects addressing environmental issues. Such initiatives can also help foster a sense of responsibility for our world.  

Immersive Education 

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will play a pivotal role in STEM education. The VR and AR education industry is likely to touch USD $4.58 billion in 2024 and USD $17 billion by 2032. CAGR growth for this period is projected to be about 20.80%. VR headsets that take learners through simulated real-world scientific scenarios and interactive textbooks are just some of the possibilities. These solutions can reach a wider student base and enhance the learning experience.  

Two students wearing VR headsets in a classroom.

Nano Learning 

Modern learners have short attention spans, which is lending impetus to nano-learning initiatives. Here, short lessons or modules, created to be finished easily and quickly, are introduced in the classroom. This method is a flexible, cost-effective, and convenient option for students using mobile devices for learning.  

We live in an era of technological innovations, and students and teachers must stay updated with the latest science trends and developments in STEM education. Sphero offers a range of solutions, resources, and support for educators and learners looking to incorporate these trends into the existing curriculum and classroom.


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The Sphero Team is comprised of current and former educators, education content and curriculum writers, product designers, engineers, executive leadership, and other experts in their fields. Learn more about who we are and what we do at

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